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Susan Collins de GOP for Tullesi Gabbard Confirmation

Senator Susan Collins (R-MAINE) on Monday announced that he will support Tullesi Gabbard to become director of National Intelligence (DNI), giving him a key impetus for his confirmation push.

Collins was considered a crucial swing vote to the Senate Intelligence Committee, which will meet on Tuesday afternoon to advance Gabbard to a plant vote. Last month, Collins had Reserves expressed on Gabbard.

But in a statement on Monday, Gabbard’s support said to reduce the size and scale of DNI’s position, and said that the former Democratic congressman had stated his concerns about his position on Edward Snowden.

“After a wide consideration of his candidacy, I will support Tullesi Gabbard for being the director of National Intelligence,” said Collins. “The Office of the Director of National Intelligence … has become much older than it was designed to be, and Ms. Gabbard shares my vision of returning the agency to its planned size.”

“In response to my questions during our discussion in my office and open view, as well as through his explanation in the sight closed to the Senate Intelligence Committee, Ms. Gabbard addressed my Concerns about his views on Edward Snowden, “said Collins. “I hope to work with Ms. Gabbard to strengthen our national security.”

With Collins in the “Aye” column, all attention is transferred to Senator Todd Young (R-Ind.), Which has been considered the other Swing GOP vote in the group.

Young pressed Gabbard during his confirmation audience as to whether he thought Snowden, the former NSA Nontractor, is a traitor and was visibly frustrated with Gabbard’s answers.

Elon Elon Musk, Trump, attacked Young in a publication in X over the weekend as a “deep state puppet.” He deleted the publication after a conversation with Indiana’s Republican and spoke brightly about him.

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