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Over Benchmarks: How Highiseek-R1 and O1 does something real

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Duuceseek-r1 It has caused much excitement and many anxiety, especially for a group of open O1. Therefore, we tried them to try to the nearest side of the easier parting of data and research activity.

Putting the sample on the same line, we used to be fondly to search, where they now support all O1 and R1. Our goal was to look beyond the benchmarks and see if the variables can do the advertisements that want to collect information from the Internet, and select the correct pieces that may require hard work.

All these types are fun but make mistakes when it promotes. O1 It’s a little bit better on jobs but R1 gives edges of (and there will be limited to the same) when it makes mistakes.

Here’s the confusion of our experiments with our links on the drugs you can count on your own consequences.

Count online return

The first testing of our first tools if the varieties can be calculated to pay back (ROI). We thought about the event that the user wrote $ 140 in the 3rd (alphabet, Metidia, Metidia, Tvidia, TVIMA) the first day of Portfolio on the previous day.

To achieve this, the color would have been pulling mag 7 on the first day of each month of each month to stock on the current day.

In this work, all these types failed. O1 returned the list of stocks For January 2024 and January 2025 and a way to calculine Portfolio. However, it failed to calculate the correct points and mainly said not to do. On the other hand, R1 made a mistake to waste money in January 2024 and count on the restarts January 2025.

O1 thinking does not provide enough information

Anyway, how thrilling it was? While O1 did not give details of how they helped, R1 Thinking It showed that it does not have the correct information because the refund engine that has failed to earn monthly income (a lot of days in the future fails because of not a problem). That helped me to guide us to the next attempt.

R1 safety reveals to miss information

Reasoning on File

We decided to try the same as before, but rather than informing the information from the Internet, we decided to write them on a file. As a result of this, we create a monthly notifications on Yahoo! Economy becomes a file to write and offer up to the sample. The file had a name of each store including HTML table with the first day of each month from January to December 2024 and the last price. The information is not cleaned to reduce the mobile attempt and try if the type can choose the right parts from data.

Again, all these types failed to provide the correct answer. o1 appeared to be changed From the file, but showed the calculations that occur in a manuscript in a device like Excel. His examination was very clear and there was no help to deal with the example. R1 failed And he did not answer, but his thinking was with a lot of knowledge.

For example, it was clear that the nation had been lifted by HTML data on the goods and was able to produce accurate information. It also used to count the moon and month, too with the last price in accordance with the latest price on the table. However, the last benefit it remained in his imaginative and failed to find last answer. Example was disturbing and line in NVIA chart for 10: 1 Stock Scron on June 10, 2024, and wrongly completed the last thoughts of the reputation.

R1 hid the results of her imagination with information that was wrong

Again, the very opposite of the real difference was not, but the ability to find out how the example reached response to. In this case, R1 provided good, allowing us to understand the weaknesses and how to change quickly and our race to get the best results in the future.

Comparing data online

The other attempts we have done to compare four parts to lead NBA I know which part was 202222/24. This work requires an example to make a lot of thinking about various principles. Working in this way there was Victor Aruman, who only entered the League as Rookie in 2023.

The revenge of this was very easy, because the players are mentioned on the Internet and usually included in their Wikipedia and NBA. All these types are answered correctly (with Giannis if you would be interested in), even based on the sources they used, their statistics were different. However, they did not recognize that Wetty did not qualify for a parable and collect the images from the time of the European League.

In response to, R1 brought forth good damage The result is a comparison table along with links to the sources that use the solution. Additional story made us well-corrective. After fasting we would like to find FIG% from the Naba season, the nation produced pus from the results.

Increasing simple words by acting quickly makes all differences. This is something that one can know. Be specific as you can in your test, and try to combine notifications that one may think well.


Particularly contraceptives, but have a solution to a reliable job, especially as some major languages ​​progressing. From our attempts, all O1 and R1 may still make the first mistakes. Though showing interesting, yet they still need a little to give out the correct result.

Right, a sample goal, should consult the user in case of information for the task. Alternatively, the key minds of the type should control users to understand the mistakes and corrects what they are able to add correctness and settings of the process of being accustomed. In this case, R1 was on the upper hand. Hopefully, future colors, plus The following results are followedwill give u amazing users.

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