Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Andy Cruz Vs. Omar Salido & Diego Pacheo against Steven Nelson successfully weighed for their card for their card this Saturday, January 25, at Cosmopolitan from Las Vegas, Chelsea Ballroom, Las Vegas. Eddie Hearn Matchroom will be shown live to give it live.
(Credit: Melina Pizano/Matchroom)
Diego Pacheo 166.4 against Steven Nelson 168
Andy Cruz 134.8 Vs. Omar Salcido 134.8
Cruz (4-0, 2 ko) and Salcido (20-1, 14 ko) will fight in the eliminator of a light title in 10 rounds for the WBC belt. This fight should be the main event, but Hearn pushes Pacheco (22-0, 18 ko) to turn into a star as quickly as possible.
“It’s a time of fighting. The conversation is not important. It’s time to perform, “Steven Nelson said after weighing On Friday because of the fight against Diego Pachec on Saturday night. “My focus and my determination. There’s nothing I didn’t see. I saw everything I needed at the camp.
“He is young. He didn’t see. He can’t prepare for what I bring. It will be an amazing night for such a cold. You saw a cold front. It’s gone all over the nation. Such cold weather, honey,” Nelson said.
“I’m just ready to go. I’m excited about this fight. I hope Steven Nelson is ready for what is coming tomorrow night. It’s a DP show. If he doesn’t know, he’ll fight soon, “said Diego Pacheco.” Steven Nelson is a good fighter, but he was never like me. I promise. You will see tomorrow.
“I have prepared myself as if this is the last struggle in my life and I am ready to go and put on another great show for all my people. Definitely, I didn’t come so far to come so far. I don’t let anyone take anyone from me . This is an era of dp I am to stay.