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Atbrains is started by Junie, who has received ai

Trainthe team behind such accessible tools as Java’s intelligence and Kotlin (and, of course, truth), Thursday launched WoodNew agent. The assistant, the company says, will be able to perform routine tasks if you want to develop new programs – and understand how existing programs you may want to add new features.

Using a simple visual representation of 500 common tasks, Junie can solve 53.6% of them in one go. Not so long ago, this would have been a high-quality addition, but it is worth noting that at the moment, more than 60% of exercises, with programs to go with a share of 64.6%. The Jenebrains call Junie’s episode “The Promise.

But even if it’s a low level, the work of Jenbrains can have an advantage because it is strongly integrated with the rest of the jerbrains. The company writes that although Junie supports the producers, the person is always in control, even if he works for the agent.

An AI-generated book – it can be just as wrong as written code,” he wrote in the announcement. “In the end, Junie won’t just speed up development – it’ll be ready to raise the bar for the code, too. By combining the power of jetbrains with LLMS, Junie can generate code, run it, write tests, and make sure they pass. “

It may be a while before you try this, though. This service is only available through the app cutter. At the moment, it only works on Linux and Mac, and in the most intelligent ideas and pychar artists, it’s coming soon.

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