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Skeleton Crew Showrunners Talk Finale Spoilers and Season 2 Potential

Now that the first season, but hopefully not the last season, of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew they are in the booksit’s time to talk spoilers. Producers and presenters Jon Watts and Christopher Ford I recently sat down to do just that and talk about everything you wanted to know: Jod’s past, In front of Attinwhether their show will return for a second season, and more.

Their answers go into more spoilers for the show, so if you haven’t heard it yet, this is your last chance.

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In a full interview with Entertainment Weekly, which you can and should read hereWatts and Ford discuss Jod’s character, backstory, plot lines they haven’t been able to explore, the closing story, and the possibility of a second season. One of the highlights is their conversation about the last look Jod gives looking out of Attin’s window, and what it might mean to him.

“I’ve watched this episode 10,000 times in preparation and every episode of production, but watching it last night with my family, that was the episode that made me feel something I’ve never felt before for some reason,” Ford said. “He’s the only one now, I’m thinking about his thoughts, I’m just watching. That affected me more than it was before.”

“It’s one of those plays that’s so open and real that you just project yourself into the voice,” added Watts. “I was scrolling through Reddit when you were watching it with your family. Different people were reading different things. Some people were saying, ‘Oh, she’s glad she’s finally out of this delusion.’ Or it’s like, ‘No, he’s complaining because he’s looking for a great family place and he’s alone.’ People saw different things.”

One element of color that we don’t see here is what Jedi Jod teaches. However, the players admit that they have left this to deal with in the future.

“In our heads, it’s like the ability to go deeper,” Ford said. “That side of the story is something we can investigate in the future. So when you have something that works like that, you leave it open to use it and make it better. “

“Yeah, not in this season,” added Watts. “But what is good? Star Wars It’s that you start talking about someone’s backstory and there’s already history and hype surrounding it. So you start to wonder, ‘Oh, well, where do you put this guy if he’s X years ago in the grand timeline of the galaxy?’ It’s such a rich world that you can have so many different types and types of characters and characters, and it’s like limitless possibilities. It’s very exciting.”

For a second season, it’s something they’ve been thinking about but haven’t been given official approval. “We have ideas in our heads for sure,” Watts said. “We’re waiting to find out what everyone else thinks, but we’ve always known where this could go even before we did the first season. So there’s a lot of potential out there and I’m sure everyone sees it.”

And, if this happens, the fact that all children can be old will not be a problem. Their ideas don’t start the day after the end of the first season. “We can’t imagine children growing up in six months if we do more,” Watts said. “It’s fun to think about them growing up and where they’re going to fit into the galaxy and how their world is going to change with what happened in the first season.”

“And in a smart connection, how events in other games can affect Attin,” Ford added. “It doesn’t have to be fantasy, because if there is an ancient event happening in this galaxy, it will affect everyone.”

“Yes, their distant planet is now part of a larger galaxy. So what’s the outcome going to be?” Watts asked. It looks like they may have a story for a second season – if a second season happens.

Read more from Watts and Ford in EW and check back tomorrow for our deep dive spoiler post on the first season of Skeleton Crew.

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