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Celebs and tech luminaries including Mark Ruffalo want to create a social media platform

I think it’s fair to say that most people in the world are growing, how can I be lighthearted, tired of the current billionaire managers of our environment. X . Trim . TikTok . Social media is no longer fun or useful.

However, a group of celebrities and former Twitter users are trying to “save the social network from being taken over by billionaires”. . These people want to create a new way of communicating with people, which focuses on the good of people instead of promoting profits, .

Some of the big names of the project include Mark Ruffalo, actor/director Alex Winter and . Brian Eno is included, as is Jimmy Wales (the founder of Wikipedia.) The plan involves building new social networks on top of the existing AT Protocol, which is the established system that Bluesky runs. This would give users greater control over their data, algorithms and overall online experience.

“In the last 20 years we have seen the world go through a difficult time with several companies telling us about our social media experience. Now, for the first time, we have the opportunity to rewrite the rules. Bluesky’s original technology, the AT protocol, can provide a new way to communicate on the Internet. ” he said. Sherif Elsayed-Ali, Executive Director of .

There are a few major obstacles here. Bluesky is still supported by venture capital, so the group needs to raise money to ensure that the basic technology is put “on an independent path, so that the future of development can be freed from the interests of one company or a group of billionaires.”

Foundations also need funds to begin building critical infrastructure. In all, the organization hopes to raise $30 million over the next three years. There’s a GoFundMe right now, . The initial funding will be used to establish a philanthropic foundation that will attempt to make “Bluesky’s core technology immune to the capture of billions.”

Before you dismiss this idea as a bunch of rich people making a donation, let’s remember that even the richest man doesn’t work with the billionaires who control the power brokers. Mark Ruffalo, who is probably the most famous member of the group, is worth about $30 million and Alex Winter is worth $4 million.

Elon Musk is worth $416 billion and Mark Zuckerberg is worth $220 billion. Musk is worth, wait, about 14,000 times more than Ruffalo. The difference between a million and a billion is very difficult.

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