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3 Best Coffee Grinders of 2025, Expert Tested

A good coffee grinder produces particles of the correct size. By this, we mean that the size of the coffee particles must match its grinder, fine or not. The size of the brewery must also be appropriate for the brewing process, as described in the recipe book.

To test each grinder for our coffee grinder reviews, we first hand wash and dry all parts as recommended by the manufacturer. We then set each machine to the correct level for grinding drip coffee or espresso coffees (again, as shown in this manual). Sometimes the book does not contain specific instructions. For this reason, we choose a medium grind to grind the coffee, then stop with only one level (from a fine grind, like an espresso grind, to a grind). For example, if a grinder has 16 grinding levels (assuming 16 is its highest grinding level and 1 is fine), we would set it to level 9.

Check this out: Five things you should know before buying a coffee grinder

Next, we weigh 10 grams of whole coffee beans to grind. By default, our test beans are Kirkland Colombian Roaster. It’s the same beans we use to test coffee makers. (No judgments, please.) When you grind as much coffee and espresso as we do, it pays to be frugal.

Then we run our beans through a grinder. We also note how long the grinder takes to grind the coffee beans. Next, we carefully collect the area, then filter it with a two-screen sieve for 60 seconds. For this, we use Kruve Sifter system. Our original Kruve Two unit came with two mesh screens of different sizes (800 and 400 microns). This step allows us to measure the size of the grapes and grind the consistency of our samples. The Screw Base now replaces Kruve Two and offers five mesh screens (300, 500, 800, 1,100 and 1,400 microns).

We used a Kruve coffee sieve to determine the size of the grind.

Brian Bennett/CNET

A high-quality electric coffee grinder or a manual grinder will produce grounds, especially with stainless steel, which are usually between 400 and 800 microns in particle size (for the parameters we have chosen). Finally, we measure the reasons for the collection between the two displays (800 microns above, 400 microns below).

A bad grinder will grind a variety of particles, from large to small. Blade grinders are well known for this. Unlike a coffee grinder, a coffee grinder with a metal or ceramic base usually provides a base that is more consistent in size.

In addition, we grind twice. From there, we can draw the best yield for each grinder.

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