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AI data centers could ‘disrupt’ the US power grid

The proliferation of data centers seeking to meet the needs of AI could be bad news for the US power grid, according to a new report from Bloomberg.

Using 1 million sensors tracked by Whisker Labs, along with market data from DC Byte, Bloomberg found that more than half of households showing the worst power outages live within 20 miles of a major data service.

In other words, it seems that there is a relationship between the proximity of the data center and “bad harmonics” – a term that does not use energy in the house.

Bloomberg reports that this “disruptive” power can damage building materials, increase the risk of electrical fires, and cause blackouts and blackouts. And AI data centers can be very difficult due to the fragmentation of their power.

“No other network has been designed to handle this kind of flexibility in not only one data center but also multiple data centers at the same time,” said Bloom Energy’s Chief Marketing Officer, Aman Joshi.

A spokeswoman for Chicago’s Commonwealth Edison told Bloomberg that the project “raises serious doubts about the facts and assumptions of Whisker Lab.”

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