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Read our full article Astro Bot comments

Astro Bot is a beautiful 3D platformer with a colorful protagonist, multiple planets to explore and a lot of satisfying mechanics to perfect it. It requires patience, awareness and a good level of platform skills, although the refunds are generous and failure costs nothing but your time. The main player, Astro, is endlessly cute as he flies between the galaxies to save his 300 friends, many of which are people from the Sony library and the entire gaming world – bots from Capcom, Konami and many Sega franchises.

Many of the planets Astro arrives at introduce new machines, such as spring-loaded gloves that look like frog faces, an octopus that shoots Astro up like a balloon, a mouse bag that shrinks him when he wants, a swimming aid powered by a penguin. , is a stopwatch that pauses for a while. The stages are built around this unique machine and the variety shown is great.

Beyond pure beauty, Astro Bot he is beautiful. The display is sharp and alive with a lot of interaction, and it looks like every pixel is polished to perfection. But it’s the science of the game that powers everything – when Astro reaches the top of the giant inflatable, the material buckles under his tiny feet, and with every step he takes and shakes, making the whole scene seem like a squeeze. When the rain hits the cap of the Astro umbrella, the sound is clearly visible on the DualSense, as well as the feel of the raindrops to the touch. Astro BotSounds, haptics, graphics and physics work together perfectly, turning every space into a playground. It’s magical.

Astro Bot they feel the purpose of making video game fans. It’s a skill-driven celebration of everything that makes the scene memorable and fun, and at the same time, it’s a great introduction to the language of gaming. With precise and responsive controls, lovable characters, and a variety of fun mechanics and locations, Astro Bot is one of the best games Sony has ever made. – Jessica Conditt, Senior Reporter

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