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Google may be accused of anti-social behavior in Japan

All over the world, government agencies are calling Google to act aggressively. The Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC) has reportedly announced that Google is violating the country’s anti-trust laws regarding its search engine, Chrome, and issued a cease-and-desist letter, Nikkei Asia report. The watchdog began investigating Google’s actions last October.

The JFTC says it is accusing Google of requiring phone manufacturers to sign an agreement saying that Chrome will not be downloaded on all devices, but instead will be placed somewhere on the screen. Developers are forced to do this to get Google Play on their devices.

In the US, federal judge Amit Mehta ruled in November that Google is “alone” in the search industry. The Ministry of Justice (DoJ) then ordered it Google selling Chrome since it will “stop Google’s long-term control and allow competing search engines to dominate the browser that for many users is the way to access the Internet.” The DoJ also asked Google to stop favoring Chrome on Android. Google soon he brought out the idea to please the DoJ, but said he will appeal the judge’s decision before the April hearing.

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