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How to Make Your Vacation as Waste-Free as Possible: DIY Tips and Tricks

For example, instead of ribbon, use compostable yarn or string, a eucalyptus branch, or a juniper branch. It’s a rustic look that will still work even if you wrap things up ahead of time. Alternatively, insert something fragile, such as flowers or fruit, before eating the gift.

Don’t forget the Tape!

The last thing you want to do is make all these changes and destroy them using permanent plastic tape that cannot be reversed. Sellotape now offers a the plastic-free version of its famous tape, which is 100 percent plant-based and compostable. Alternatively, consider paper options such as washi tape. These often come in beautiful designs, which can also help create a purple paper.

Send Fewer Cards—or Go Digital

If you have a family big on holiday cards, this can be a hard habit to break, but there are 2.65 billion Christmas cards sold each year in the US, and sending one less card can save 50,000 yards of paper. , According to Stanford University.

It helps that there are great digital options that can be sent to friends and family via email, eliminating waste entirely – and can be sent at the last minute when it’s too late to send anything. Make an extra effort to discuss ahead of time with your loved ones about both of you going the digital route for a more successful environment.

If you can’t bear to upset a family tradition, then make sure you choose your cards carefully when choosing your paper. Avoid glitter and foil, and look for cards labeled as recyclable. Even better – look at products made from recycled materials by consumers. You can buy cards that have seeds and can planted!

Yes, you only control the cards you send. If you receive cards that can’t be reused, consider cutting them up to reuse the holiday-themed parts as gifts for next year.

Choose a Real Christmas Tree, If You Have One

It may seem counterintuitive, but even though real trees are only used once before throwing them away, they create less waste than their artificial counterparts. That’s because real wood can be recycled if disposed of properly, and can be used as firewood, wood chips, or compost.

Fake trees, on the other hand, are made of non-recyclable materials and are just headed for the landfill after the season of spreading Christmas cheer is over. The Carbon Trust estimates that you would need to recycle between seven and seven times as much artificial wood (depending on size) to offset the emissions created by manufacturing, installation, and shipping. When you buy the real tree (if you haven’t already) make sure you buy something that’s grown locally, which is a sustainable choice because it doesn’t have to be shipped far away.

Go DIY on Decorations

When decorating your tree and home, the same rules apply. Plastic and foil are free, and crafting is a great way to reduce waste. For great DIY ideas, I refer you to YouTube, which has DIY holiday decorating tutorials: paper flowers, hanging paper dreidels, to decorate the salt dougha DIY Kwanzaa lanternsand many more. These decorations won’t last long in storage, but they can be recycled and remade after the holiday season, meaning you can change your color every year.

Store-bought holiday products—cardboard tubes that you pull from both ends until they open—should be avoided. They traditionally use shiny and glossy materials, which, like cards and wrapping paper, make them non-reusable. And that’s before you start thinking about the ugly gift, usually the plastic inside that usually finds its way to the bin right away.

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