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Flat Earther Expedition to Antarctica Bolsters Case That Our Earth Is Round

A team of Flat Earth conspiracy theorists recently traveled to Antarctica in hopes of proving—once and for all—that the world is indeed flat. Unfortunately, this trip seems to have confirmed what scientists and geologists are saying I have told everyone for a long timewhat is it photo evidence and videos has already proven: our world is round.

The trip in question was led by Will Duffy, pastor of a small church outside of Denver, Colorado. Get started website page due to the dedication of the trip, Duffy explains that the trip includes 24 branch people and 24 “underground people” who were “hand-picked” as “representatives of their side.” The purpose of the expedition, which is called “The Final Experiment,” is to find out if Antarctica has 24 hours of sunlight.

“The Final Experiment is a solution to the conflict on Earth,” says the organization’s website. “Flat Earth and Globalism agree that whether or not Antarctica has 24-hour sunlight will determine whether we live on a flat planet or a global one.”

“Midnight Sun,” as known, it is due to the earth’s axial tilt and the position of the arctic circle in relation to sunlight. It is not known why the people who created the flat earth thought that the presence of the sun would prove or disprove their beliefs. Besides, if the Earth is flat, how do you explain the concept of night and day? Like, what does the sun do when it gets dark? Hiding under the cosmic chessboard that is our world? I don’t know enough about the current conspiracy theory, but I fail to see why the changing of the sun would affect their belief.

However, when those who went to Antarctica discovered, not surprisingly, that it was actually 24 hours of sun. “Sometimes you make mistakes in life,” said the Flat Earther, Jeran Campanella, in movie sent by Duffy when the group reached their destination. “I thought there was no 24-hour Sun. In fact, I was sure of it.”

The Flat Earther group is often a religious group (it it has been said as a type of “biblical theology”), which explains its believers’ hostility to science. In recent years, this theory has been adopted by many right-wing politicians, incl Candace Owens and Tucker Carlsonmaybe because they attract a lot of conservative, maybe even religious people.

In fact, Owens seems to be in line with the recent expedition to Antarctica. In his video, Duffy thanked the right-wing podcaster, who he said was “very excited” about the idea of ​​the trip, and said Owens’ boss, Mark Herman, was with him in Antarctica. In different movieDuffy said Herman will return to Owens’ audience for what he found on the tour. In the past, Owens said: “I’m not a branch person. I’m not around dirt. In fact, what I am is that I am a person who has left the religion of science. “

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