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The Aftermath of Adult Swim Gets a Promising First Trailer

Earlier this year, Netflix went ahead and pulled the plug Scavengers Rule, One of the best shows of 2023 was on Senior Swimming. The good news is, the show’s production company Green Street they have a new series coming out next year called Side effects, and it looks amazingly weird like Scammers he said.

It was created by Scammers co-creator Joe Bennett is Veep is Steve HelyUnusual Effects focuses on Marshall (Dave King) and Frances (Emily Pendergast), two former high school students who discover a mushroom that can cure almost any disease. Miracle drugs of this type can be well-known in real life, so it is not surprising when a group of interested people appears to take from Marshall, including pharmaceutical companies that hope to make a lot of money. As she rushes to try to distribute it to the free world, Frances wonders if it would be a good idea to sell mushrooms to help her get promoted.

It’s last week’s shocking killing of the CEO of United Healthcare Brian ThompsonThe show is more advanced than ever: as Marshall says in the trailer, people spend a lot of money on drugs that don’t seem to work (if they don’t), and corporations make tons of money from everyone’s illness. Either comment Common side effects provides health care services in the United States, it will also have screens to support it. Scavengers Rule has been praised for its Moebius-themed art and space, and this one seems to have a similar creepy vibe. It’s not just the gray bits that we see dying people in the explosions, it’s the normal stuff, like it shows people looking tired and exhausted, going in and out of the hospital.

So make us interested Common side effects to hit Adult Swim with Max on February 2, 2025—but if you want to convince yourself, there’s a six-minute preview below.

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