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Is monk fruit sweetener healthy?

if you want to try Reduce sugar Whatever the reason – blood sugar management, weight loss, ketogenic diet – the consequences of what you eat continue to expand sugar substitutes Available. Monk fruit sweetener One benefit in particular stands out as one of the most popular choices.

“Monk fruit sweetener has zero calories, which means you can reduce the calories you eat throughout the day by using it as a sugar substitute.” Sophia NortonR.D.

But is monk fruit sweetener healthy? Here’s what you need to know.

What is Luo Han Guo?

Monk fruit is a South Asian fruit also known as luo han guooften labeled as monk fruit extract or monk fruit juice. Its extract is used as non-nutritive sweetenersmeaning it contains virtually no calories, carbs or sugar, making it a suitable choice for diabetics, diabetics keto dietor those who wish to reduce their sugar intake.

3 health benefits of monk fruit

Isolated image of dried monk fruit | Monk Fruit Ketones

1. Zero calories

For those who want Reduce calorie intakemonk fruit sweetener contains no calories and can help reduce any calories that might otherwise be consumed add sugar.

Added sugar is a common phenomenon; sneaky sources Calories are increasingly making their way into the American diet. This may result in health problems over time.

So if weight loss and overall health are your goals, sweetening your foods with monk fruit extract instead of sugar may help you enjoy the foods you crave without the added calories and sugar.

2. Keto-friendly

Since monk fruit sweetener contains zero carbs or sugar, it is suitable for people who follow the following habits ketogenic dietwhich restricts carbohydrates to put the body into ketosis (a metabolic state during which the body uses fat instead of carbohydrates for fuel).

“Monk fruit has zero carbohydrates,” Norton says. “The fruit itself does contain fructose and glucose. But monk fruit, sold as a sweetener in extract form, does not contain fructose or glucose. This means that people on keto or those on keto low carb diet It’s still possible to enjoy sweet treats without consuming too much sugar.

3. Exponential growth sweeter Than sugar

exist 100 to 250 times sweeter Compared to granulated sugar, monk fruit sweetener requires only a fraction of the volume to achieve the same level of sweetness. It also has little effect on blood sugar levels, so it can be used to maintain healthy blood sugar.

Is monk fruit the only keto sweetener?

Isolated image of stevia plant

Any sweetener that does not contain carbohydrates is considered keto. Here are some other options:

  • Stevia Is a natural sweetener derived from Stevia A plant with almost zero calories and just under a gram of carbohydrates One gram serving size.
  • Sugar alcohol like Erythritol Xylitol is fermented from sources such as wheat, cornstarch and xylose. They contain no calories but may cause gastrointestinal upset in some people.
  • Sucralose It is a non-caloric artificial sweetener made from sugar but processed to contain no calories. It is commercially known as Splenda.

Where to buy monk fruit

Despite its increasing popularity, monk fruit is still considered a specialty food. You can find monk fruit at some health food stores, such as Whole Foods, or online. Here are some options:

  • Julien’s Bakery Pure Munch, Part 1 Amazon.
  • Lakanto Monk Fruit Sweetener, Part 1 Amazon.
  • Monk Drops – 100% Monk Fruit Liquid Sweetener, Amazon.
  • Raw package of mangosteen, located in original state.

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