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Current NYT Mini Crossword Answers for Dec. 10

Looking recently The answer to the Mini Crossword? Click here for the latest Mini Crossword clueand our daily answers to The New York Times Wordle, Strands and Connections puzzles.

The Mini Crossword it can make you overconfident. I did one on Monday in 14 seconds and was walking proudly on my own. But I was lucky, because all the lights were obvious, and they filled the entire panel so I didn’t even have to look for the Down lights. If I want to come back down to Earth, I can try the old-school NYT Crossword, which will stump me. And even the Mini Crossword usually takes me longer than the Sunday Stone. But if you want the answers to today’s Mini Crossword, read on. And if you are looking for today’s Wordle, Connections and Strands solutions, you can visit CNET’s NYT photo gallery.

Read more: Tips and Tricks to Solve the New York Times Mini Crossword

Let’s find the clues and answers for the Mini Crossword.


Completed pictures of the NYT Mini Crossword for December 10, 2024.

NYT/Screenshot and CNET

Mini pass information and answers

1 Clue: “Part of ___,” “Seinfeld” in which Kramer gets everyone tickets to “Pagliacci”
Answer: OPERA

6Hint: The fourth of Santa’s eight reindeer (including Rudolph!)
Answer: VIXEN

7 Tips: Live and breathe
Answer: EXISTS

8 Help: Baptism etc
Answer: RITES

9 Mark: Stupid
Answer: TEST

Mini floor tips and solutions

1D Information: Clearly visible for all to see
Answer: OVERT

2D experience: A wonderful creature of legend
Answer: PIXIE

3D Note: Airplane lines with extra legs

4D Note: Press the power button on the Nintendo Switch for about 15 seconds to do this
Answer: Reset

5D Awareness: Worrying about the future
Answer: ANTSY

How to play many Mini Crosswords

The The New York Times Sports Section offers many online games, but some of them are free for all to play. You can play today’s Mini Crossword for free, but you’ll need to subscribe to the Times Games section to play past pictures from the archives.

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